
Landsec Capital Markets Day

Robert Noel - Chief Executive

Our aims for today

Evolving strategy addressing key trends

Creating the spaces for tomorrow’s businesses and communities

Agenda for the day

Marcus Geddes - Head of Property

London update

Uncertainty prevails

The majority of availability in London is second-hand space

Market trends

Market trends

Increasing availability of second-hand space has not hit rental growth

Increasing availability of second-hand space has not hit rental growth

Prime office space rent continues to outperform secondary

Transformation of Victoria

Transformation of Victoria

Rents remain a relatively small proportion of customers' costs

Market trends

Overall availability of space is low

Availability in our key development areas is most acute

Construction starts have slowed

Construction starts have slowed

Forecast speculative supply is not excessive

Forecast speculative supply is not excessive

Progressing the pipeline

Market trends

Customers demand convenience, flexibility and choice

Growth of the flexible office market - 2.3m sq ft taken in last 12 months

Expanding our customer offer, meeting the needs of our customers

Landsec Fitted


MYO progress to date

MYO - significant potential to scale up the offer


Development activity to 2024 - compelling assets in well connected locations

Lavington Street, SE1 - growing Southwark footprint

Lavington Street, SE1 - great location with great potential

Lavington Street, SE1 - further potential south of the site

H1 transaction volumes at levels last seen in 2009

London still offers good value compared to global markets

Portfolio update - choice, amenity, flexibility and sustainability

Broadening our pool of office customers

Dashwood House

One New Change

Replacing Jamie's Italian and growing rents


Caroline Hill - Head of Sustainability and Public Affairs

Evolving strategy addressing key trends

Evolving strategy addressing key trends

Our sustainability strategy

Community employment

Community employment and social value

2018 at a glance

Carbon reduction

Delivering meaningful carbon reduction

Delivering meaningful carbon reduction

Delivering meaningful carbon reduction

Five steps we are taking to achieve net zero buildings

Five steps we are taking to achieve net zero buildings

Climate resilience

Designing climate change resilient buildings

Sustainability driving value

David Heaford - Head of Development

Development - Agenda

Development - Agenda

Development - Agenda

Customer centric

Customer centric - research

Customer centric - Portland House

Customer centric - Portland House

Development - Agenda

Technology enabled - Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Technology enabled - Building Information Modelling (BIM)


Technology enabled - BIM

Technology enabled - BIM

Technology enabled - kit of parts


Technology enabled - Prototype Lab

Technology enabled - BIM suite

Technology enabled - BIM

Technology enabled - smart buildings

Technology - space utilisation

Our approach to development - Summary

Development - Agenda

Progressing our drivers of growth

Progressing our drivers of growth

On site / near term developments

21 Moorfields

Sumner Street - Delivering new product


Nova East - Next generation Victoria

Development - Agenda

Progressing our drivers of growth

Red Lion Court - Prime river front scheme


O2 Finchley Road

West 12 Shepherd's Bush

Residential potential

Development - Summary

Martin Greenslade - Chief Financial Officer

What am I going to cover?

Current reporting structure

Current reporting structure

Current reporting structure

Current reporting structure

Current reporting structure

Current reporting structure

Future reporting structure

Future reporting structure

Future reporting structure

Future reporting structure

Future reporting structure

Future reporting structure

Future reporting structure

Future reporting structure

Combined portfolio

Wrap up






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